44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025

 Issues by Index


Hazatérés Bukovinából [Arriving to Hungary from Bukovina]
Resettlement of Székely Hungarians from Bukovina to Hungarian territory 1941
This publication contains mainly photographs documenting the 1941 resettlement of the Bukovina Székely Hungarians. Some photographs of families before leaving Bukovina are included. The bulk of the pictures document their journey, arrival to Hungarian territory and their resettlement in the area that is now the Bácka/Bačka region of Northern Serbia. Information on the history of these people is included.
[It should be noted that within 4 years, the same Bukovina Hungarians were forced to flee from their new-found homes in the Bácka/Bačka region northward into Hungary, where they were eventually resettled once again - mostly in Hungary’s Tolna, Baranya, Bács-Kiskun counties. ]

Article(s) by same issue: 2012/x


Cover of Ajánlás


Issue: 2012/x
Starting page: 3
Author: Kóka Rozália
Cover of A bukovinai székelyek története Madéfalvától napjainkig

A bukovinai székelyek története Madéfalvától napjainkig

Issue: 2012/x
Starting page: 5
Author: Kóka Rozália
Cover of Bognóczky Géza lelkész

Bognóczky Géza lelkész

Issue: 2012/x
Starting page: 10
Author: Kóka Rozália