44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
Starting page: 55
Felföldi László (born 1947) was Martin György’s student and went on to be director of the Dance Research Department at the Institute of Musicology following Pesovár Ernő. Felföldi speaks about meeting Martin and Martin’s influence on his career in dance research. He describes a ’Hungarian School’ of folk dance research wherein "we don’t document a dancer just one time. We try to get deeper into their dance knowledge…to know their entire vocabulary of dance forms and the rules of their use - about the dancer’s style that is his/hers alone. Martin created an example of this with his monography of the Kalotaszeg legényes dancer Mátyás István Mundruc...” Felföldi also talks about "Martin’s insistence on examining the close relationship of dance and music. Without one you don’t have the other. At times the dance gives impulse to the music, sometimes the music determines the form of the dance….”